I ‘Covidiots’, gli idioti da Covid a Ozarks, nel Missouri – Strage coronavirus Usa non solo Trump

Let’s talk about ‘Covidiots’ at Lake Of The Ozarks. A lonely man reacts to a packed pool party at Lake of the Ozarks, Missouri which shows crowd ignoring social distancing guidelines.

Parliamo di Covidiots al lago di Ozarks. Un uomo solo reagisce a una festa in piscina al Lago di Ozarks, , che mostra una folla che ignora le linee guida sulla distanza sociale che in Mossouri sono legge.

Il video pubblicato da un giornalista mostra festeggiamenti selvaggi affollati insieme in una piscina sul Lago degli Ozarks, Missouri, questo fine settimana del Memorial Day.

Scott Pasmore, an anchor for CNN affiliate KTVK, shot the video at Backwater Jacks Bar & Grill in Osage Beach on Saturday.

The gathering violates social distancing measures intended to limit the spread of . As part of Missouri’s reopening plan announced earlier this month, state officials said restaurants may offer dining-in services but must adhere to social distancing and other precautionary public health measures.

“When we walked up my first words were ‘oh my gosh’ it was intense for sure!! Social distancing was nonexistent. However everyone was enjoying themselves. It was a very carefree environment but security was heavy!!” she wrote to CNN.

CNN: https://www.cnn.com/2020/05/24/us/oza…

Tags: Covid Missouri
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